Dispute Resolution
Here at Awesim specialises in Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Building industry, Glen Sim is a certified Mediator & Conciliator, and provides many years of expertise in building disputes. There are not many issues that Glen has not seen before.
Glen’s training was conducted with the Australian Commercial Dispute Centre (ACDC), Australia’s premium ADR facility and training organisation.
Our aim is to help Home Owners and Building Contractors sort out their issue or dispute without the huge legal costs and the time through the court process, using Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures. We facilitate a neutral, unbaise and informal meeting between the two parties either onsite or in our boardroom. And of course all discussions are private and confidential.
We have a problem solving mindset by introducing problem solving solutions to assist with a mutual agreement that will satisfy both parties.
The benefits of using our mediator or conciliation services are;
- A high success rate in resolving the issue or dispute
- We have over 50 years of building contract experience
- We can provide our boardroom as a neutral meeting space
- We can provide Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards Documentation
If you’re a home owner or building contractor and you find yourself with an issue or dispute with the other party it is never too late to call us to help you.
Call me directly on 0419 600 063 to discuss your situation.
Or fill out our contact form here.