Quantum Meruit Report

Quantum Meruit ReportThe term Quantum Meruit Report comes from a Latin word that means “what one has earned” , or in building terms “what the job is worth”.

A Quantum Meruit Report is used to measure the sum of the amount of works that have been performed during the task of Building & Construction, were the works have not been given written approval and verbal agreement were reached at the time of construction, but disagreements arise when the final invoice is provided to your client.

As the law see it, a Building Contractor or Sub Contractor are entitled to be paid a fair and reasonable sum for works performed and materials supplied.

This is called undue enrichment, when the Home Owner have gained extra value to the property, whilst the builder was providing labour & material that was not included within the contract. Or when a sub contractor provides services & materials to the head contractor, not included in there sub contract agreement.

We provide NCAT Quantum Meruit Report and the New South Wales Court System.

Our Quantum Meruit Report services as meantioned above is to measure the reasonable sum.

How do we calculate what a reasonable sum is worth, and do so with credibility?  We will send one of our highly experienced expert witness Building Consultants out to your site. Typically we will require all architectural, Structural and services drawings.

Whilst we are onsite we will measure the works conducted by our client and take photographic evidence, used to refer to when calculating the quantum/quantity of works.

Our Quantum Meruit Report will show the quantity, with the applied rate and the total sum for the works.

We use a variety of resource manuals as reference material to acquire the appropriate rates to apply to the project. We also are able to estimate the construction cost from the past, using historical data.

The Final Quantum Meruit Report may also contain a trade breakdown and summary of the overall project, very much alike a Bill of Quantities that may be used at the start of a project to form the basis of the project budget.

Where do we provide our Quantum Meruit Report service?

We are a Sydney based Building Consultancy firm and we frequently travel all over New South Wales North Coast, Coast South and Outback NSW. We are one of a few Building Consultants that travel to all areas of New South Wales to assist with the resolving Building Disputes.

What are our Fee’s for producing a Quantum Meruit Report?

Firstly, our Quantum Meruit Report are usually a fixed price, once we have reviewed your claim documentation, and understand the Scope of our engagement. However on the odd occasion the scope can not be quantified so we will be required to work on an hourly rate for the site inspection. At that point (Site Inspection), we will then be able to provide you with fixed rate to measure, cost and prepare for the Quantum Meruit Report.




We have further information about our Expert Witness services by > > > clicking here < < <

If you require further information for your Quantum Meruit Report needs, click on the button above, or call Glen on 1800 AWESIM (1800 293 746) or glen@awesim.com.au

Quantum Meruit Report